• Services.

    One Future is a child safe organisation who pride ourselves on keeping the children and young people we work with safe. We do this by having stringent recruitment practices, detailed policies and procedures, attending training and a zero tolerance approach to breaches of our code of conduct, vision and values. One Future understands the importance of culturally appropriate practice, and we strive to work in a culturally sensitive and child-focused way.

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One Future is committed to addressing the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in out-of-home care and prioritising the need to reduce disadvantage among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.  Most significantly, One Future focuses on providing a service that supports the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families as being at the heart of causing significant and lifelong change.


We can offer highly skilled and independent facilitators who aim to improve collaboration and to ensure a coordinated, early response to pregnant women and their unborn babies. We facilitate three meetings with families and multidisciplinary teams to support the development of a coordinated care plan. The ‘three houses’ tool is used to guide these meetings using a ‘Signs of Safety’ practice framework.


Like all restorative practices, family group conferencing emerges from a history and philosophy of kinship and relationship as the central values of society found in many indigenous cultures. Family Group Conferencing (FGC) is a voluntary, inclusive and restorative approach to decision making. It involves family members coming together to make significant decisions and develop a case plan. FGC promotes respectful and strength-based engagement in planning to meet what is in the best interests of the child or young person. We have qualified facilitators who offer families a process in a safe and supportive environment, with appropriate resources, for important decisions to be made that are both realistic, restorative of well-being and will last over time.


One Future shares the belief that supporting children and young people to achieve safety, wellbeing and positive life outcomes is central to the work of organisations that provide child protection and Out of Home Care services. We provide independent, quality assessments on behalf of agencies working with children and young people, carers, and birth families to support decision-making and permanency planning by undertaking:

  • Guardianship assessments

  • Relative/kinship carer assessments

  • Parenting capacity assessments

  • Comprehensive Cultural Considerations

And more customised assessments upon request.


One Future shares the belief that supporting children and young people to achieve safety, well-being and positive life outcomes is central to the work of organisations that provide permanency support services. We can provide tailored supports and services for children and young people, carers and birth families and assist agencies to work towards the goal of achieving permanency by undertaking;

  • Guardianship/Relative kinship carer assessments

  • Carer assessments and reviews

  • Contact supervision

  • Restoration provisioning and specialised support

  • Life Story Work

  • Family Finding

  • Behaviour support

And more customised assessments upon consultation.


We have qualified and professional workers who are able to provide intensive family support to families identified by an agency to prevent children entering OOHC, or for children being restored to their family. Supports can include a range of practical and emotional support as identified by the family and case plan. One Future can be available during early mornings, evenings and weekends as agreed by the family and agency in order to address the concerns and provide the family with the best chance of success. Pieces of work are negotiated between One Future, the family and referring agency so that clear timelines and goals are defined as to what is to be achieved within the time agreed. One Future will determine what reports are required by the referring agency at the commencement of the plan and will provide feedback to both the family and workers throughout their involvement with a written report at the end.


Research shows that children who have a secure relationship with at least one parent have much better educational, health, relationship and general well-being outcomes into the future. At One Future we aim to increase and build on parents and carers strengths and provide both role modelling and coaching opportunities within the home. Our staff provide parent coaching and support to parents who require extra help in their parenting role. One Future can be available to families during early mornings, evenings and weekends as agreed by the family and agency and can assist families to address concerns they may have about their family. We work with parents and carers to build capacity, knowledge and skills and can also link families in with relevant informal and formal supports.

One Future is trained in the following:

  • 123 Magic

  • Bringing Up Great Kids

  • Circle of Security

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